Business, Marketing, Sales
Why do we hesitate to move forward with a marketing plan, or that sales call? Fear. When you are thinking about your marketing strategy, think specifically. Do you ever find yourself saying things like “I want us to make a larger impact next year” or “We need to focus...
Branding, Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
Here is an exercise I’m not kidding – you need to do this. Stick with me here. Step 1: Please take a minute and say (out loud) the sentences below in the whiniest 4-year-old tantrum voice that you can muster up. Marketing is haaaarrrddd. It’s hard to know what works....
Business, Marketing, Social Media
Fear to change. Fear of the board of directors. Fear of job loss. Fear. Fear. Fear. (blah blah blah) I believe that the fear you should have (that you don’t) is the Fear of becoming irrelevant. I’m especially writing this FOR the big companies. Why would I do that?...
Advertising, Business, Marketing
This post is not for the weak at heart. It is not for the noble. It’s for those looking for results. It’s for those who can look at the bigger picture. I’m not going to vouch for these lousy humans using phishing schemes to steal the money of the hard working masses....